Reversing Alzheimer's Holiday Crash Course

Join before 12/3, and start reversing cognitive decline together with us!

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Dr. Heather Sandison

Reversing Alzheimer's Holiday Crash Course

Let’s make this holiday season the start of a healthier path for you and your loved one.

Join before 12/3, and start reversing cognitive decline together with us!

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Reversing Alzheimer's Holiday Crash Course

Join before December 3rd at a reduced price of $595!

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Your Daily Dozen to Reverse Cognitive Decline

Did you find last week’s email about the costs of Alzheimer’s and dementia overwhelming? Writing that all out was overwhelming for me too. It really highlights that it is never too early to start taking care of your cognitive health. A few extra dollars on non-toxic cleaning products and organic foods won’t just save your memory and the strain on your loved ones but will save everyone thousands and thousands of dollars.

I want to turn this conversation around and empower you with impactful brain-boosting steps you can start implementing today that have no or little cost. 

🧠The Brain Boosting Daily Dozen 🧠

Barbara was in a recent one of our Reversing Alzheimer’s coaching programs and at the end of the 12-week program we discussed the takeaways in our live group session. She shared her daily dozen with us that she put together from everything she learned in the program. 

  1. Reach out to a loved one outside of your immediate family unit. 
  2. Pray or meditate.
  3. Get outside.
  4. Brush and floss teeth at least twice a day.
  5. Declutter.
  6. Cook a meal and sit down to eat it.
  7. Exercise
  8. Garden, and put your hands in the dirt. 
  9. Open doors and windows for an hour each day.
  10. Do at least one act of kindness. 
  11.  Read for at least 20 minutes.
  12. Get to bed earlier. Pick a time – 9:00, 8:30, 11:00 – whatever works for you! Getting to bed at a consistent time can be very beneficial for brain health

I love the Daily Dozen, but I don’t want to stop there because there are so many things you can do without pulling out the credit card.

🩸Donate Blood. If you are in a dementia prevention stage or a very early stage of cognitive decline, giving blood is a way to stimulate the production of new blood cells and eliminate some plasma that have built up toxins or inflammatory cytokines. It’s free and a way to help others.

🤝Socialize. Get together with friends. Join a book club or church group.

👟Take your shoes off indoors. Leave the toxins outside. Leave all the petrochemicals from walking across a parking lot outside. Leave behind the glyphosate (Roundup) that we pick up walking on sidewalks sprayed to eliminate weeds. If you want to wear shoes in the house, get specific shoes that you only wear indoors.

📺Turn the TV off. Notice when it’s on, doesn’t need to be, and turn it off.


🍎Choose whole foods over processed foods. 

These are just a few ideas that can help you get started on your path to reverse or prevent cognitive decline. Pick one and start with it. Then slowly add on the others so that soon the Daily Dozen is part of your practice. 

These may not require a big financial investment, but in doing so you will be making one of the biggest investments you can make in yourself, your brain, your body, and for your loved ones.

Dr. Heather Sandison

P.S. – One more! Replace household and personal care products with less toxic ones. This can seem like a big investment, but if you replace singular items as they run out, it will only be a minor increase in expense – if at all. Purity Woods is just one company that offers a good way to update your skin care products.

P.P.S. – If you are ready to invest $497 into yourself, check out my 11-module Reversing Alzheimer’s Course. It includes a step-by-step, manageable system where you’ll learn how to stay in the driver’s seat of your health or the health of a loved one and slow the progression of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. It’s the foundation for my limited coaching program mentioned above.