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How One Woman Reversed Alzheimer’s

A new CNN report with Dr. Sanjay Gupta

😲 Wow! As we kick off Alzheimer’s Awareness month, I’m thrilled to see that the science behind Reversing Alzheimer’s is starting to breakthrough into mainstream coverage. It proves that our work is making a difference and we are shifting the collective mindset to see that a world without dementia is possible.

On May 19 a new series premiered on CNN’s The Whole Story with Anderson Cooper – “The Last Alzheimer’s Patient” with Dr. Sanjay Gupta. The series looks at medical research to see how Alzheimer’s can be prevented, treated and reversed. This clip from the series showcases a woman who reversed her Alzheimer’s with lifestyle changes.

I like to share another very special sneak peek at the book that discusses those lifestyle changes. Here’s an excerpt from Chapter 3, Unpack the New Alzheimer’s Toolkit.

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It’s time to open up the lens on what we can do to protect our brains and see that we have multiple tools—eight, to be precise—that, taken together, comprise a new Alzheimer’s toolkit.

Better yet, these tools aren’t terribly sophisticated or costly, and they have very few risks. They are things that you are likely already familiar with, so the learning curve isn’t very steep. In fact, you’re probably already doing a couple of them to some extent. But when you prioritize and optimize these tools, and bring the ones that you haven’t been using into the mix, the benefits you create ripple out far beyond the brain, to your gut health, mental health, heart health, and more.

What are these eight practical yet magical tools?

  • A nutrient-dense, high-fat, and low-carb ketogenic diet that gives your brain plenty of fuel and reduces harmful by-products of burning glucose
  • Exercise, which cues all parts of your body, including your brain, to grow stronger and more resilient
  • Brain-stimulating activities to maintain existing neuronal connections and trigger the formation of new neural pathways
  • A supportive daily routine that reduces stress and makes doing the things that promote brain health more doable
  • A serene and nontoxic environment that promotes being present and nourishes—rather than compromises—brain health
  • Restorative sleep to help your brain clean and heal itself
  • Loving communication between you and your care partner to reduce stress and foster connection
  • Care for the caregiver—meaning, you, so that you can model healthy behavior for your loved ones, reduce your own risk of developing dementia, avoid burnout, and provide the best possible care

As you can see, nothing here is revolutionary. Yet taken together, these eight tools compose a holistic brain care plan because not only do they give the brain what it needs to thrive, they also address the root causes of brain dysfunction that we covered in Chapter 1.

A key premise of the power of this toolkit is that the choices you make every day—about what to eat, how much to move, when to go to sleep, what kinds of activities you do, etc.—have the biggest influence on your health. When you optimize those choices, you can go an awfully long way toward giving the brain what it needs to function well—even to regain function it has already lost. No matter where you’re starting from, it’s never too early or too late to start taking better care of your brain.

In this chapter I’ll give you a brief introduction to all eight tools, including one thing you can start doing differently in these areas right away—even before you’ve finished reading this book—so that you can get started on taking better care of your brain health.

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I hope this chapter inspires you to share this information with family, a friend, or a loved one. Thank you for being a part of this community that is working to change the way the world views Alzheimer’s and dementia.

Dr. Heather Sandison

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